Often times in an attempt to associate Ahlul Sunnah in the complete sense with the distorted beliefs of different groups people will say that all scholars of all the Madhabs were a part of their belief, however historically it is clear that for the most part there have been very little Hanbali scholars who were openly "Asha'ri or Maaturidi.", an example of ONE such scholar is below, posted for the benefit of knowing that him claiming to be Asha'ri really doesn't matter in hindsight, because of his further deviance into Shia-ism. While it has been reported that he repented, (May Allah accept it if he did), and while he did in fact attribute to the Madhabs in terms of Fiqh and Usool, it's important to have knowledge of who he was, so as not to have a misrepresentation of the Madhabs Belief in large.
Ibn Rajab (Rahimahu Allah) said in his History of the Hanbali Madhab concerning him:
وقصائد في مدح النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، وقصيدة طويلة في مدح الإِمام أحمد. وكان مع ذلك كله شيعياً منحرفاً في الاعتقاد عن السنة، حتى إنه قال في نفس حنبلي رافضي أشعري
"He had a poem praising the Prophet () and Imam Ahmad, and it was long. And along side that all of it's beliefs were (according to) the way of the Shia which is deviated from the beliefs of the Sunnah, up until he said concerning himself "Hanbali, Raafidhi, Asha'ri."
في آخر عمره لما جاور بالمدينة كان يجتمع هو والسكاكيني شيخ الرافضة، ويصحبه. ونظم في ذلك ما يتضمن السب لأبي بكر الصديق رضي اللّه عنه.
"And in the end of his life when he came towards Medina, he came together with As-Sakaakeeni who was a shaikh of the Shia and he became his companion , and he wrote in a poem that which includes his ridiculing of Abu Bakr As-sideeq."
May Allah be pleased with all of the companions and wives of the Prophet Muhammad, Alayi Salaatu wa Salaam.
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