Saturday, October 6, 2012

Introduction to Aqeedah

The Sunnah has many meanings:

In the language:

1) To clarify

2) Way or road.

3) A normal custom

 In Islamic science it has the following meanings:

1)  In Fiqh: Something liked or if done the person is rewarded, but if left he is not punished.

2) In Usool al fiqh: One of the agreed upon portions of proof used in Islamic jurisprudence.

3) In Hadeeth: That which is connected to the Prophet in terms of his statements, actions, or things he accepted.

4) In Aqeedah: That which opposed innovation.


1) Al-Ijtimaa’: The opposite of separation.

2) Al-Jama’: Name of a group of people.

3) Al-Ijma’a: Agreement upon a ruling

4) Al-Jama’at: A large number of people.

The Islamic meaning:

1) Al-Jama’ah: The companions of the Prophet Alayi Salatu wa Salam.

2) The scholars of guidance.

3) A group upon the truth, without separating.

4) The group of Muslims, the “Sawaad Al-‘Adham”.

5) The Islamic rulers and those who they place In charge of the affairs.

6) A group from amongst the people agreed upon something, like the Jama’ah of the masjid.

Ahlul Sunnah Wa Al-Jama’ah:

1) They are the companions of the Prophet (alayhi salam) and those who follow them in guidance.

2) They are Ahlul Hadeeth

3) Ahlul Athar

4) The righteous predecessors

5) The saved sect

6) The victorious group

Rules concerning the method of Ahlul Sunnah in understanding issues of Aqeedah

1) The Quran and Sunnah is the sources in which to turn back to.

2) Neglecting to enter into rhetoric or philosophy, and being sufficied with the Quran and Sunnah.

a) The salaf were careful as to only gain beneficial knowledge.

b) The Salaf forbid every type of innovation.

c) The Salaf wrote refutations against the innovators

3) The Sunnah is a proof, including reports with only one route. (Khabr Ahad)

4) Relying on the understanding of the Companions and those who followed after them.

5) Submission for that which comes from the revelations. While believing it is completely acceptable to the mind. (Al-Aql)

6) The negation of putting forward the understanding of innovators, or the mind before the texts.

7) In order to understand the texts, we must look at all the texts. Don't single one out without seeing others to explain it.

8) Understanding the Mutaashabih verses with the Muhkam verses.

Ustadh, Doctor: Sulaymaan bin Qaasim Al-Eid 

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