Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Allah is above the Throne in His Essence

  The Sheikh and Imam, Abd Al-Qaadir Al-Jeelani Al-Hanbali Born in 470 and died in 561 Hijri said in his book, "Al-Ghunya Li-Taalibee Tareeq Al-Haqq fi Al-Ikhlaaq wa Tassawuf wal-aadab Al-Islaami" [7] the following: in which other than him are usually pointed out for having such beliefs, namely Sheikh al Islaam Ibn Taymiyah. May Allah have mercy upon both of them.

And He (Allah) is in the direction of aboveness and elevation, risen above, on his throne (he is) encompassing it (and all things), upon his dominion he is surrounding and encompassing that and all things with his knowledge of them. Allah says : “To Him ascends good speech, and righteous work raises it.“ He controls all of the affairs from the sky into the earth.” [1]

“And His knowledge is not without knowing about any and every place, and it is not permissible to describe Him that he is in every place, rather, It is said: That He is in the sky above the throne. As Allah says. “The Most merciful is above the Throne, Risen.”[2] And “Then he rose above the throne of the Merciful.”[3], and the Prophet (Alayi Salaatu wa Salaam) ruled regarding whether or not the slave girl was a Muslim or not by asking her “Where is Allah?”, and she pointed to the sky.”[4]

It is obligatory to take the attribute of Risen without any changing[5] taking place, and that his Essense[6] is above the Throne.

[1] 35:10
[2] 20:5,
[3] 25:59
[4] Sahih Muslim
[5] Ta’weel
[6] Dhaat Allah
[7] Daar Saadir Bayroot Second printing 2010, First volume page 71.

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